The story goes that when I was about 4 or 5 years old, I was able to understand that my family was struggling financially.  My single parent mom was working really hard and having to raise two sons.  One morning, while my mom was getting me ready for pre-school and she was particularly stressed out, I said to her “Don’t worry. I go to college.” 
I vaguely remember that morning but I remember believing that college and advanced education was the way out of my financial situation and into a much better one.  So I did that and it worked.  I went to college, then Law School for a JD and later to business school for an MBA. 
I made it.  But I was settling.  I was settling for my desk job, my paycheck, my 4 weeks off per year.  I knew there was more to life, so I took the next step.  
I sought out mentors and coaches to learn new skills and help me think differently about generating income and wealth.  I continued to grow.  Now I help others take their next step through my coaching, books or programs.


Fear is what holds us back. Not lack of ability. Not lack of resources. Not lack of time. Not lack of intelligence.  It’s fear that is the dream killer. 


Taking action is the way to conquer fear. Take the next step. 

I never thought that getting into that cold pool would change my life and set off a series of life events that would improve my life beyond imagination.
I joined the swim team as a senior in high school, with no previous swim team or coaching experience. 
I was terrible at it. I was embarrassed.  I was last in practice. I was last in all my races. I did it anyway.
I grew stronger.  The coach taught me a new skill and I developed. I took the next step in my life at the time and it opened the door to other opportunities later in life.  
Joining the swim team and suffering all season long turned out to be one of the top decisions of my life.   

The way to grow and get out of your situation is to challenge yourself – to get out of your comfort zone. 


With each accomplishment, no matter how small, you see the world differently. You see new opportunities.  Take the next step. 

Golf was one of my babysitters growing up. Starting when I was about 8 years old, I would spend many summer mornings with some friends at a 9-hole city park golf course.


There were no tee times.  You just showed up and put your name on a list and waited for your turn.


$4 got me 9 holes and a pull cart. I used a neighbor’s set of clubs because I did not have my own.  Sometimes we waited 2 hours to play.  Then we had a 3-hour round of golf. 


It was slow but it gave me something to do and eat up a lot of the day until baseball practice in the early evenings. 


I golfed in high school. I golfed in college. I golfed around the world. 


I love the peace of the game.  The walk. The grass. The quiet.  I even golfed a Century Round - 100 holes in a day. 

To go farther in life, slow down. 


Find a way to relax and disconnect. Give yourself time to think, to strategize, to focus.


Slow down to find your bigger full speed.  Take the next step. 

Starting in my late thirties, I had to have my hips replaced, just 18 months apart. I had almost no cartilage remaining and the femoral heads were brittle. I didn’t do anything wrong. This wasn’t supposed to happen to me. I was terrified. 
Everyone has a challenge in their life. This was mine.
I embraced the change. I allowed myself to heal, then I completed a 3-month clinical physical therapy regimen following each surgery, gentle at first and then more aggressive in time. Not a day goes by that I’m not stretching or strengthening my hips and body. 
After the surgeries, I returned to many of my prior activities. Some activities I left in my past. I evolved.  
Since then, I’ve completed IRONMAN triathlons, 29029 and other endurance events. I wrote NEW STEEL, a book about my experiences through the surgeries, recoveries and triathlons. I started HIP RECOVERY MASTERS, a membership to help other hip patients with tips and lessons I learned over the past 10 years. I returned to golf at full strength. I coached my daughter’s volleyball teams. 
The surgeries didn’t kill me. They brought me back to life. 

Sometimes life doesn’t go as planned.  An injury, a challenge, or life’s obstacles all can get in your way.   


Look for the ways something is possible. No excuses.


Define success your way. Success looks different for everyone.  Set a mission and just keep going toward it.  Take the next step.



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